16513 Cornerstone Drive Belton, MO 64012
Online Only
Mayo Auction & Realty
Preview: Monday, December 2nd from 4 PM to 6 PM Removal Shall Be: By appointment only during the published hours of Wednesday, December 5th from 1 pm to 5 pm and Thursday, December 6th from 9 am to 12 pm. An invitation for an appointment will be sent by email following the auction and on the invoice.
- Anytown, MI We can help!
Live with Online Bidding
Art Smith Auctioneers
We are proud to serve our clients and customers with 40 years of successful Live & Online Auctions! If you need help settling an estate, downsizing or selling a collection, we can help.
1220 Sparta Ave. Sparta, MI 49345
Live with Online Bidding
Art Smith Auctioneers
The Estate of the late Loren & Elaine Peterson. Overview includes Loren's Farmall Tractor Collection, Pickup trucks, Trailer, Workshop full of Tools, Farm Toys, Farm Primitives, Collectibles, Furniture & Household Items. Large Auction with live/simulcast online bidding on tractor collection.
12850 Pennington Ave. Cedar Springs, MI 49319
Live On-site bidding
Art Smith Auctioneers
Carole Follett, due to the death of her husband and with future plans of moving out of state will sell much at Live Public Auction.
1181 W SR 42 Mooresville, IN 46158
Online Only
Beckort Auctions, LLC
Highlights: 1960's Brantly B2B, 2000 Brantly B2B, 1964/65 Brantly 305, 1964/65 Brantly 305 parts, complete set of Brantly blueprints, engines, blades, & massive amount of Brantly parts! Inspection/Open House: Wed Oct 16 2-4 PM & Thurs Nov 7 2-4 PM Pick-Up: Fri Nov 15 & Sat Nov 16 (by appointment-note: no onsite payments will be accepted on Sat Nov 16) NOTE: due to the sale of the real estate, ALL items must be out within 21 days of auction as possession of the hanger will change! Owner: Estate of Gerald "Gary" E. Goldsberry
4545 Cordes Ave. NW Comstock Park, MI 49321
Live On-site bidding
Art Smith Auctioneers
Ted & Jackie Doorenbos have sold their farm acreage & building and will sell the following listed items at Live Auction. Many items packed away unseen at time of listing.
16513 Cornerstone Drive Belton, MO 64012
Online Only
Mayo Auction & Realty
Preview: Monday, November 4th from 4 PM to 6 PM Removal Shall Be: By appointment only during the published hours of Wednesday, November 6th from 1 pm to 5 pm and Thursday, November 7th from 9 am to 12 pm. An invitation for an appointment will be sent by email following the auction and on the invoice.
12175 Harvard Ave. Rockford, MI 49341
Live On-site bidding
Art Smith Auctioneers
Darold Harper with future plans of selling his farm will sell his Tractors, Truck, Equipment, Portable sawmill, Shop Tools & Farm Primitive & more at Live Public Auction.