257 results
2637 17 Mile Rd. Kent City, MI 49330
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Art Smith Auctioneers
Held to settle the Estate of the late Paul & Margery Potts. Overview includes: 2011 Chevrolet Impala LT, 1984 Chevy Caprice, Case Mod. 400 gas tractor, Farm Equipment, Shop & Lawn Tools, Household items etc.
580 Brown Rd. Bailey, MI 49303
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Art Smith Auctioneers
Tom has cutback from his full time mechanic work. Overview includes: 1968 Ford 4000 w/loader, 3pt Equipment, Shop & Auto Tools, Welders, Auto Hoist, Motorcycle Hoist, Guns, Lots of traps, Hunting & Fishing Items & More
6248 Newcosta Ave. Howard City, MI 49329
Live On-site bidding
Art Smith Auctioneers
Albert Hackbardt will be selling his Tractors & Farm Equipment Overview includes: 1969 John Deere 3020 diesel (1-owner, well maintained), 1964 John Deere 3020 gas (1-owner, well maintained), Gooseneck triaxle dump trailer, JD #670 hayrake, JD grain drill, JD running gears, JD chopper, IH #990 haybine, Sev. gravity boxes, NI round baler, 3pt. 7' rototiller (new), 3pt. JD brushhog, Irrigation pumps & pipe, Gates, other equipment, Farm Primitives & more
17696 Hall Rd. Casnovia, MI 49318
Live On-site bidding
Art Smith Auctioneers
Bruce & Judy Rollston are moving. Overview includes: Deutz S-62-06 w/front hi-low mast, John Deere zero turn mower, Offset brush hog, Garden & Shop Tools & Household items.
18490 Church Rd. Howard City, MI 49329
Live On-site bidding
Art Smith Auctioneers
Held to settle the Estate of the late David Stephenson Overview includes: 2003 BMW Z4 convertible, 1969 Austin-Healey convertible, 1968 Corvette, 1948 Ford Coupe, 1937 Chevrolet, Cabela's Lowe Roughneck 1650 w/35hp beaver tail outboard, Allis Chalmers 7010 diesel, Farmall Super C wide front, Ford 9N, Oliver 77, Farm Equipment, 40+ Guns, Hunting & Fishing Items, Shop & Lawn Tools, Hand & Power tools & much more
7281 Ryerson Rd. Twin Lake, MI 49457
Live On-site bidding
Art Smith Auctioneers
Held to settle the Estate of the late Bill and Vera Carr. Brick farmhouse, out buildings and 80 acres along with Shop Tools, Autos, House full of Collectibles & Furniture all offered at Live Public Auction. Property has been in the family for over 100 years!
3526 West Camelot Lane Fremont, MI 49412
Live On-site bidding
Art Smith Auctioneers
Doug & Marleen Frens are selling their lake front home and moving into Fremont. Overview includes: John Deere X320 lawn tractor, Fishing boat, Kayaks, Guns, Reloading Supplies, Hunting & Fishing Items, 18 BB guns, 200+ Fishing lures, 100+ Fishing reels, 25+ Spearing decoys, Mich. pin hunting licenses, Indian artifacts, Traps, Shop tools, Household, Furniture and more
341 Hayes St. NW Comstock Park, MI 49321
Live On-site bidding
Art Smith Auctioneers
The Late Don Ring's Welding & Blacksmith Shop Overview includes: Anvil, Forge & Tools, Welders, Torch sets, Metal lathe, Industrial Tools, Hand & Shop Tools, Antique Tools, Farm Primitives, 1948 Ford 8N, Line of 3pt Equipment, Toro Groundmaster 72 mower, Gas log splitter, Firewood & much more.
5589 124th Ave. Fennville, MI 49408
Live On-site bidding
Art Smith Auctioneers
Richard & AnnaMay Onken are downsizing their collections Overview includes: Restored 1931 Ford Model A 1-Ton flatbed, 1928 Ford Roadster, 1936 John Deere B unstyled, 1939 John Deere B, Hit & Miss Engines, Ford Model A & T parts, Farm Primitives, Shop Tools & More
17900 Simmons Ave. Sand Lake, MI 49343
Live On-site bidding
Art Smith Auctioneers
John & Jeanne Rau will be selling their home and moving to a condo. New riding mowers, Lawn Tools, Workshop full of quality shop & hand tools, Reloading supplies, Hunting items, Furniture & Household items More pictures to be added soon!
11910 46th Ave. Allendale, MI 49401
Live On-site bidding
Art Smith Auctioneers
Arlan & Dorothy Potgetter have moved into a condo & will be selling their home of 60 years. Overview: 1999 Harley Davidson 1340 Road Ring, 2004 Harley Davidson 883 Sportster, Honda Goldwings, 1989 Ford F-250, 1938 John Deere A unstyled rough, 1951 John Deere B parts tractor, Shop & Lawn Tools, New Lincoln 225 welder, Lots of motorcycle parts & gear, Guns, Toys, Collectibles & more
560 Lake Dr. Allegan, MI 49010
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Friday, May 10th 3:00-6:00PM. Owner will be on-site to answer any questions. Tractors will be running Saturday 9:15AM- 9:45AM, then shut down for the remainder of Auction.
Art Smith Auctioneers
Due to the death of his wife, Keith Sommers is selling his home and moving out of state. Large Collection of Fine Antiques, Primitives, Furniture, Glassware, Shop & Lawn tools and Much More.
11496 McClelland Ave. Grant, MI 49327
Live On-site bidding
Art Smith Auctioneers
Marie Hall has sold the farm to her son. Overview includes:1949 John Deere R diesel, 1981 John Deere 2440D w/loader, 1965 John Deere 4020 diesel,1955 Ford 600 w/backhoe, 1972 IHC 574, 2005 Ford F-150 ex cab 4x4, John Deere Gator, 1999 Polaris 500 4x4 quad, Sev. hit & miss engines, 3pt. Equipment, Guns, Shop Tools, John Deere collectibles, Antiques, Household & more
10209 6 Mile Rd. Rockford, MI 49341
Live with Online Bidding
Art Smith Auctioneers
The Antique Tractor Collection of Kevin & Tammy Petersen 28 Tractors! Many restored with new paint & tires, all in running order & stored indoors. Live On-line Bidding Catalog now available!
5870 Montcalm Ave. Belding, MI 48809
Live On-site bidding
Art Smith Auctioneers
Louie Walker has moved and is selling his home. Overview includes: 1963 Ford 2000 w/loader, 1949 MM ZAU, 2004 MirroCraft 14.5’ Troller LTD fishing boat Mercury 15HP outboard, Pontoon boat, Hit & miss engines, House full of Antiques & Collectibles, Saleman sample CI stove Collection, Shop Tools, Guns & more
51 E 112th St. Grant, MI 49327
Live On-site bidding
Art Smith Auctioneers
Larry Saur has sold his farm and moved: Overview includes: 1937 JD BO unstyled, 1938 JD D unstyled, JD L styled, 1959 JD 730D, 1953 & 55 JD 50s, 1958 JD 720D, 1964 JD 3020 gas w/loader, JD parts, JD manuals, Farm Equipment, Shop Tools, Torch Set, Anvil, Collectibles, Furniture, Household Items & more
9428 Hile Rd. Ravenna, MI 49451
Live On-site bidding
Art Smith Auctioneers
Ken & Karen Schultz have retired from farming and will sell their line of tractors and equipment as well as an Extra nice collection of 60+ farm toys including many Precision pieces.